Advanced Dstyle GuideThis is a featured page
I. Introduction

1. Why do you use a dagger?
2. What is a dagger? What is a GunZ?
3. Basic Controls

II. Basic Dagger Movements

4. Stab
5. Lunge
6. Circle
7. Corner
8. Dash
9. Tumble
10. Switch

III. Intermediate Dagger Movements

11. Continuous Dash
12. Flying
13. Dagger Train
14. Reverse Stab
15. Space Invade
16. Dagger Piston
17. Dagger Hop
18. Dagger Flash
19. Fade Shot
20. Floater
21. JSD
22. YoYo Hop
23. FSS
24. Wall Strike
25. Wall Raid
26. Multiple Wall Run

IV. Advanced and Experimental Dagger Movements

27. JSF
28. Crossing
29. Block Tap
30. Glitch Evade
31. Magician Switch
32. Massive End
33. Dagger Machine
34. Dagger Gatling
35. Dropping Juggle
36. Infinite Juggle
37. Instafall
38. Dash Hop
39. Dash Shimmer
40. Dagger Shimmer
41. Tight Hop
42. Shimmering Machine
43. Shimmering Evade
44. Breakthrough

V. General Tactics

VI. Weapon Combination Tactics

VII. Closing

I. Introduction

1. Why do you use a dagger?

"Why do you use a dagger?" I get asked this alot. I use it because I like seeing variety in games, and the natural speed of daggers is intoxicating. It makes movement so much more apparent and has a more "in control" feel than a sword. This does not mean, however, that daggers are easy to use. In comparisson to sword techniques which can be next to mastered in a few minutes, daggers can take days to even conceptualize. They are a unique weapon, and a complete league away from K-Style, so if you're a convert or somebody who's learned K-Style, i invite you, nay command you, to forget what you've learned, and come into this guide thinking from potential rather than experience.

2. What is a dagger? What is a GunZ?

GunZ is, for all intents and purposes, an action game from the third person perspective. MAIET director of staff, Kim Young Ho, says this perspective takes away from the "one many army" aspect of action, and more adds in the "one adequate purpose man" aspect. This pretty much means you aren't invincible, you just do what you can. Daggers can help you expand what you can do. A dagger is, in GunZ, the short, lightweight alternative to a sword. The difference of a dagger and sword is that the dagger has lower damage, can move while attacking, and has a damaging secondary attack. The "negative" differences are that daggers can not block, have a wind-up for their secondary, and miss out on the standard "advanced" sword techniques such as Slash Shot.

3. Basic Controls

These are controls that everybody should know before going into daggers:

W: Move Forward
A: Move Left
S: Move Back
D: Move Right
Left Mouse: Main Attack / Charge a Massive Strike with a melee weapon
Right Mouse: Secondary Attack with melee weapon / Cling to the wall with melee weapon when midair
Scroll Wheel: Switch Weapons

II. Basic Dagger Movements

4. Stab

The left mouse button is all that is needed. You will stab, your arm will go forward. If you hit the enemy correctly, they'll take a damage and likely be knocked off balance. Can be blocked by a sword's guard if you aren't careful.

5. Lunge

Also known as Push. This is the infamous dagger secondary move, the one that irritates almost everybody level 1 through 11. You press the right mouse button to use it, and after a brief wind-up, you zoom forward with your dagger out, pushing through people. Can't be blocked.

6. Circle

Now that the two basics are gone, you learn the Circle. This is a tried and true maneuver. While stabbing, you use A, D and the mouse to circle your opponent. This can be hard for your enemy to get out of if they don't know what they're doing.

7. Corner

Similar to Circle, this locks your opponent in a corner, and makes it tough for them to move, this is especially good if you catch somebody attempting to Wall Strike, and you Stab them in the back. This way you can get off several hits before they turn.

8. Dash

One of the largest cornerstones of dagger usage. You double tap a directional button (for example, WW to Dash forward), and you fly forward at a good speed. This can be cancelled with a Stab, which means, you can stop the Dash with a Stab. You can also Lunge to cancel the Dash.

9. Tumble

Like Dash, but with a gun. You jump to the side, and roll. It's mainly a good evasion tool. This can't be canceled, but you can shoot while tumbling.

10. Switch

Only useful with a few weapons; Namely shotguns, revolvers, and rocket launchers. Hold the left mouse button down, and switch back and forth between your first and second guns. Personally, i prefer using the mouse wheel for this, pushing up and pulling back for each gun. Some of you may like assigning weapons to keys.

III. Intermediate Dagger Movements

11. Continuous Dash

This is a staple to any dagger user. Easy and fast, this skill will likely be used for many levels to come. All you need is knowledge of dashing, and timing. Double tap, and wait for the dash to almost end. Start double tapping again. Your dashes will chain, and you will rarely start moving.

Combo: Dash > Wait > Dash > Wait

12. Flying

When in the air, you will want to fly. Continuous Dash in midair, with stabs when you need to turn fast, and you will fly. More accurately, glide, untill you stop dashing, or hit the ground.

Combo: Jump + Dash > Wait > Jump + Dash > Wait

13. Dagger Train

This is a wonderful distraction move, and is great in gladiator matches, you dash along the ground, stabbing after each dash to cancel it. You can and should space out your stabs more and more depending on how long you want the dash to be. Stab sooner to detract some predictability.

Combo: Dash + Stab (cancel dash)

14. Reverse Stab

This move is rather like the sword Void Step, except with a dash instead of a block. You will appear to be walking with the dash lines behind you. This is a very supreme feinting move, and great in gladiator.

Combo: Dash + Stab (cancel dash) > Dash (other side)

15. Space Invade

Nothing too special involved in doing this except for state of mind. All that's required is moving like an enemy from Space Invaders. Old philosophy works well when used with attacking, and this is a typically hard to hit, more so than one would think. This is mainly to close some distance safely.

Combo: Forward Dash + Stab (cancel dash) > Left Dash + Stab (cancel dash) > Forward Dash + Stab (cancel dash) > Right Dash + Stab (cancel dash)

16. Dagger Piston

Ahh, thanks to Owlie for teaching me this. This move has worked wonders in Quest Mode, and is an easy alternative to Dagger Machine. You dash into your enemy and stab mid dash, holding forward, dash back, stab cancel, and dash forward. You can repeat this as fast as you want, and make your dashes as short as you want. It works like Reverse Stab, although the use is different, and the full steps make it different. The steps keep you fairly safe, and rather fast.

Combo: Forward Dash > Stab > Backwards Dash + Stab (cancel dash)

17. Dagger Hop

Probably my main method of travel. It's fast, can be very damaging, and very easy to do. It's like Continuous Dash, with jumping thrown in to make it harder to hit. The steps can be almost anything using a jump, dash, and stab, but the one below is what i use.

Combo: Jump + Dash + Stab (cancel dash)

18. Dagger Flash

What this does is lets you dash two directions in one jump. It's like short flying. It's a great evasive move, and can help you defeat some skilled people effectively. You dash cancel midair, and a second stab helps a second jump come out quicker.

Combo: Jump + Dash + Stab (cancel dash) > Dash (other side) + Stab (cancel dash)

19. Fade Shot

A mainly distracting technique, you tumble while shooting, and switch to your dagger, at the same time you dash. This technique works well, because most players are conditioned to attack the end of a tumble, expecting movement to pause briefly at that point. Also, if your timing is good, you will shoot a second time during the switching animation when you bring out your dagger.

Combo: Switch + Tumble + Shot + Reload > Switch + Dash

20. Floater

This is a nice move to do against a sprayer and group of monsters. You approach an enemy off center with a dash, you stab and jump while holding forward, turn, switch, and shoot midair while switching your held button to backwards. You can repeat at this point or flow into any number of movements.

Combo: Dash + Stab (cancel dash) + Jump > Turn + Switch + Shot + Reload

21. JSD

Alright, an attack technique. JSD is a great evasion technique while fighting, it allows you to keep up good offensive while avoiding rather effectively. During a dash, you jump, and switch to your gun, then switch back and dash another way

Combo: Jump + Switch + Shot + Reload > Switch + Dash

22. YoYo Hop

One of my favorite maneuvers. With this, you can dash, with a gun out. It's a great tool to aim with, and even better for sudden evasion. It's unexpected, as the movement is so odd and rarely seen. This movement is all in the timing. You'll find yourself tumbling if you fail most often. This movement is invaluable, learn it and master it.

Combo: Jump + Switch (at the same time) > Dash (at apex of jump) > Shot + Reload

23. FSS

Flip Stab Shot, the closest thing to a Slash Shot a dagger can do. When done right, the guns perform the dagger moving forward motion, kinda like punching with your gun. Due to the way it has to be done, this is a wonderful movement for wall fights. You have to hold the mouse button.

Combo: Jump (off wall) + Stab (cancel animation) > Switch + Shot + Reload > Switch + Dash (at wall)

24. Wall Strike

Clinging to walls is slow. It's easy to get hit while doing. So learn to Wall Strike. This lets you fly up a wall fast, and in any direction; Your side to the wall, back to it, doesn't matter. During a jump, dash at the wall, jump off it, stab, and repeat.

Combo: Jump (off wall) + Stab (cancel animation) > Dash (at wall) + Stab (cancel dash)

25. Wall Raid

Only good on a few maps, and in certain places, also for movement and attacking. While on a wall, you can wall run without stopping, while attacking. If you turn the camera fast enough, you can wall raid around the entire outside wall without stopping or hitting the ground once, staying completely level. When an enemy comes in your way, you can stab them before jumping off, and do a tight in Multi Wall Run to attack their back. It's a good way to surprise somebody who's shooting at you as you run along a wall.

Combo: Wall Run > Hold Forward > Stab > Jump

26. Multiple Wall Run

Wall running is great, i wish i could do it every day. Well, i can. You can too. You wall run, towards the end or at the end when you jump off, stab midair to cancel to jump, dash towards the wall, and hit jump twice. You should stick to the wall and start running. Timing is crucial, and this will take some practice.

Combo: Wall Run > Jump + Stab (cancel animation) > Dash (at wall) > Jump + Jump

IV. Advanced and Experimental Dagger Movements

27. JSF

The Jump Shoot Flash, invented by Selryam as he was in Quest Mode. You JSD, then stab to cancel, and dash another way. Chances are i got this wrong, i don't get his techs right sometimes. If it's wrong, feel free to correct me. This is a great get behind move, and while doing it, you might feel slow; Take it from me the receiving end doesn't feel like it's slow.

Combo: Jump + Switch + Shot + Reload > Switch + Dash + Stab (cancel dash) > Dash (other side) + Stab (cancel dash)

28. Crossing

A camera oriented maneuver similar in nature to Space Invade. While dashing with your gun in a YoYo Hop, you tilt the camera so it's diagonal. You can hit more directions this way, and easily track your target. This is a circling and evasion technique. The movement pattern, when done correctly, is profoundly erratic.

Combo: Left YoYo + Turn + Stab > Forward YoYo + Turn + Stab > Right YoYo + Turn + Stab > Backwards YoYo + Turn + Stab

29. Block Tap

This will get you called a hacker if done against somebody who doesn't know any better. Who cares though? You can see animations, and know how to use them. You can attack a blocked individual, and maintain movement. You have to know when to press stab, which is right after the second half of your dash starts. You also have to know when to attack, as the second half of the stab is least likely to be blocked. Your opponent will likely gain a massive strike, but you'll be far away, and if they foolishly attack, you get a free shot. (*)

Tapping midair, at an angle that creates minimal contact with the block, so your opponent doesn't so much as gain a massive strike. The stupid ones will attack at the crevice, and keep attacking, so get behind em and just, tear into them. It helps to shoot your camera down as you stab, then back up as you dash. (**)

Combo: (*) Jump + Dash > Wait > Turn + Stab

Combo: (**) Jump + Turn > Stab + Dash

30. Glitch Evade

Using hit boxes to your advantage. I'm not sure why it works, but it does. Say your Block Tap fails to work, what then? You're stunned. Turn, fool. Turn at a 45 degree angle, close to them, you'll be inside the blast, and it will go around you harmlessly. My longest record with this is 10 in a row vs. Tsuteto when he was testing to see if massives were different in JGunZ.

Combo: Turn

31. Magician Switch

You've been blocked, and you can Glitch Evade, you kick ass. It's like you're made of magic. But now, are you a magician? This is easy to do. Your gun will float by you, making it easy for you to retaliate as soon as your stun is over. You switch as soon as you hear the crevice.

Combo: Glitch Evade + Switch > Shot + Reload

32. Massive End

This makes great use of running up to a massive and Glitch Evade it. Forcing people into the hit animation is great, especially if it lasts the whole time the massive strike should. Massive End is getting good at Glitch Evade to the point that you can do it on command, then rendering somebody completely helpless, and shooting them dead. Massive Strikes are fatal mistakes when done wrong, make sure your enemy knows that. This move will put a big dent in their self-esteem of skill. The stab more or less guarantees your safety.

Combo: Glitch Evade > Stab > Switch + Shot + Reload

33. Dagger Machine

This is borderline advanced due to the tight turns you have to do to get it right. If you Wall Strike, you likely notice that ocassionally, you hear the dagger noise twice. This is because the dagger hits once going into the wall, and again coming out. This is no different with people. The Dagger Machine makes wonderful use of speed and animations, you will likely hit twice due to the camera movement, and therefore the opponent will go through the hitting animation twice. It's a very spidery way to kill somebody, as it's near paralisis. Both hands need to work fast, and max mouse sensitivity helps.

Combo: Jump + Dash > Turn + Stab

34. Dagger Gatling

The dagger lunge attack, and the character, are two separate bodies. This move requires you to take damage, however, from a sword. Start stabbing before the sword makes contact with you, and lunge just as you start stabbing. You will stay where you are, but your attack will continue on. You can then lunge again, or if your enemy attacks, continue to use the Dagger Gatling. Useful on maps like Dungeon when you want to lunge people off the edge but don't wanna kamikaze. The reason this insta-falls alot, is because with the right timing, you will catch them at the top of their safe-fall, when the animation turns to falling. This move is all timing.

Combo: Wait > Stab + Lunge

35. Dropping Juggle

What a way. When you stab your enemy and let them land from being midair, they'll have their hit animation for a little bit longer. That's when you shoot em and start the whole thing over again. The average enemy will think they did something wrong and try to correct it the next time it happens, but wise up a few more times after. But really, if you don't safe fall, there's not much room for improvement, is there?

Combo: Dagger Gatling > Forward Dash > Stab > Backwards Dash + Stab > Switch + Shot + Reload

36. Infinite Juggle

This is a great way to paralyze your enemy. When hit midair, you are vulnerable. To everything. Infinite juggle plays with safe-falling and jumping. The real way to do this is to Dagger Gatling somebody into safe-falling, then dashing and keeping your knife under them while Dagger Training. This kills hard because your opponent will be unable to move at all. However, the easier way to do it is to catch your enemy midair at anytime.

Combo: Dagger Gatling > Forward Dash > Dagger Train > Repeat (Forward Dash > Dagger Train)

Combo: Stab aerial enemy > Forward Dash > Repeat (Stab aerial enemy > Forward Dash)

37. Instafall

This is fun. Remember the Lunge? This is it's bigger, meaner, and craftier cousin. I've done this three times in a row against somebody, and made somebody who typed intelligently turn to angry l33t in a matter of seconds, then leave the game. What this technique does, is take advantage of the animation ending effect. Say somebody is running, the animation has a set number of frames. At the end of the frames, the animation is over, and changes or repeats. If hit by the dagger lunge, the end of the animation signals the fall. See where i'm getting at? You can force somebody to the ground, instantly. They can't safe fall, at all. The hit animation has the least frames, thus the easiest to use. Especially when airborne. Stabbing before the lunge cuts frames off of your lunge, making this easier to pull off. This seems to be the best way to accomplish the move.

There is a hard-bound way to do this. I discovered while using quest. When somebody is super-dashing, lunge them. They will fall instantly. Why is this important when the opportunity is so far off? It proves that as somebody is at the end of their animation (super-dash is always at the end), that they will skip the falling animation and have no chance to safe fall. The easiest way to get them at this point is stabbing them as they start to jump.

Combo: Stab enemy near the end of an animation + Lunge

38. Dash Hop

A silent fast dash. It's a good move for sneaking up on people, or catching up. Also good for Space Invade and Crossing.

Combo: Jump + Switch > Switch + Dash

39. Dash Shimmer

A not so silent Dash Hop, sacrificing some speed for attacking power. This is still a great way to chase.

Combo: Jump + Switch + Shot + Reload > Switch + Dash

40. Dagger Shimmer

You have to be fast at switching, and it helps to be jumping down to do this. You shoot before dashing another way in a Dagger Flash. This lets you attack in a fast way, and it takes some work.

Combo: Jump + Dash + Stab > Switch + Shot + Reload > Switch + Dash + Stab (other side) > Dash (other side)

41. Tight Hop

This is a great skill to learn, but very difficult. It's like a shorter, lower, faster JSD mixed with a Dash Hop. It can be done in series, and very fast. It's like a fighting game combination, and can be difficult to be done. You jump and dash, stab to cancel, switch to shoot, switch and jump and dash. The reason this can be lower and faster is because dashing cancels the jump's continuation. Prepare yourself for this move by jumping and dashing in rapid succession.

Combo: Jump + Dash + Stab > Switch + Shot + Reload > Switch + Jump + Dash

42. Shimmering Machine

With a shotgun, this kills hard and fast. The steps are similar to the Dagger Machine, but fast switching is needed. You might sacrifice some speed, but with the hit animation helping you stay safe, that won't matter.

Combo: Jump + Dash > Turn + Stab > Turn + Switch + Shot + Reload

43. Shimmering Evade

What a counter attack. Glitch Evade + Magician Switch. This was easier than i gave it credit for. You just have to be really close. When done right, you can run up to your opponent when they have a massive and do this without being stunned. The real secret of Glitch Evade is to be close, and slightly off center from your opponent.

Combo: Switch > Glitch Evade > Turn + Shot + Reload

44. Breakthrough

Get back. I've done this repeatedly, but have yet to find the best timing. It seems to be good if you do it right after a block finishes against a midair person, as most people I've done this against are butterfliers. It's a lunge that sends them back, very, very fast. I've done this and had it done to me, it's like an insta-fall without the insta. Just very fast, can be confusing to the enemy, so when you accomplish this, be ready to start shooting as they slide around. Still unable to do this rather than insta-fall however, so it is still experimental. To help me with this, replay whenever you join a game, and if you lunge and see your enemy shoot back fast, post the replay in this thread.

Combo: Wait > Stab + Lunge

V. General Tactics

The following tactics are just general tips that will help you succeed. I will add to these whenever people suggest good ones.

a. Feint, alot. By this i mean fake your enemy out. Alot of people who play GunZ don't expect this for some reason. In a gladiator match for example, start charging your Massive Strike. When your enemy gets close, Lunge into them. The charge stops instantly and you fly into em. Surprisingly effective.

b. Walls are very useful, this always applies. D-Stylers have the fastest natural Wall Strike, make use of it, wall bounce on your back and sides too.

c. For those times when you go up against turtles and butterflies, Dagger Hop and Reverse Stab. Here's a tip, stab in the second half of your jump and dash. If you go in close, time it so that you hit with the second half of the stab. You're alot less likely to give the opponent a Massive Strike, and get thrown off balance.

d. If they do get a Massive Strike and you aren't thrown off balance, stay close to them in the front. Alot of times it'll go right around you.To help this, turn a quick 45 degree angle with a weapon switch. It's not consistant, but can be a life saver. If they reverse massive you, keep spinning. Again, not constant, but can be a life saver.

e. Remeber the basic techniques, and use them creatively. For example, somebody is chasing you, or behind you and there's a wall in front of you, run up it, and hold backwards as you Flip Stab Shot, or Dagger Flash behind them. This does kill alot.

f. If somebody insults D-Stylers in game, try to get them to fight you 1v1. You may not win, but if you focus, you will get a good practice opportunity. You'll learn more about any style you fight every time you fight it, this is universal. However, if they don't agree, a psychological warfare comes into play. Go for them first, make 'em mad, make 'em steam. The more angry a player is, the less they can focus, the easier they are to kill.

g. Get very good at Block Tap and Glitch Evading. If you Block Tap and the opponent Massive Strike, if there's a long delay because they're slow or you were on a backwards dash when you tapped, wait for them to Massive Strike, then tumble in after the yellow animation fades, shooting them dead with a shottie.

h. If you dash while getting hit by a massive, you will slide away. This is such a lifesaver, get in the habit of doing it.

VI. Closing

I hope you enjoyed this guide. I'm always practicing these moves and becoming aware of more. If you must comment negatively, please don't be flaming with it and back up your claim, also don't flame me myself, there's no reason to, i don't consider myself a professional by any means so don't act like i do.

Also, if you have any tips or tactics, post em here What a Face  I love you  and i'll try em out, and likely add them whether i like the move or not. Basically any advice within reason will be added to this guide.

Credit to the owners

Another thing, after introducing this style to the koreans in KGunZ, it started to become used by a good deal of people on main servers 7 through 9, it's slowly spreading, let's do the same here. Good luck in all of your future adventures. I'm always here if you need help. PM me here or ingame on FatherPrim.